Wylye Valley Primary School has an Eco Group called The Wylye World Warriors. It is made up of pupils from Years 5 and 6 and Mrs Baker. We would very much like the community represented at these meetings, so if you have an interest in sustainability please contact the school. We meet up at least once a term to discuss ways to make the school more eco-friendly. The group hold assemblies to make the pupils and staff more aware of our environment by turning off lights, turning down the heating, using less water, reusing and recycling paper and cardboard and picking up litter. At break times the eco-committee carry out regular litter picks. We put compost caddies in all the classrooms and dining room for fruit and vegetable waste. These are emptied twice a week into a large compost bin which is then used by the gardening club. The eco-committee empty these bins twice a week in their own time.