
Wylye ValleyCofE VA Primary School

To aspire to being outstanding in everything we do by always aiming higher.

"Let your light shine in all you say and do" Matthew 5:16

Aims and Visions

Our aims and visions are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our pupils as confident, happy citizens.

Wylye Valley C of E VA Primary School



Vision Statement

To aspire to being outstanding in everything we do by always aiming higher.


Our Values

Love, Care and Respect



  • For all children, irrespective of ability, to have the opportunity to participate fully in every aspect of school life, so that they can fuel their ambitions and achieve their full potential.
  • To experience and value the Christian faith through worship and prayer, in the everyday life of the school.
  • To love, care and respect each other as part of a close, nurturing Christian community.
  • To learn in a safe, tolerant, and supportive environment that celebrates diversity.
  • To learn how to be resilient and how to learn from mistakes.
  • To nurture the self-esteem of all individuals in the school.
  • To celebrate success and promote a positive attitude towards each other.
  • To provide an enriched and stimulating curriculum that is imaginative and exciting, both in the classroom and outdoors .       
  • To develop well-rounded, confident young people who are ready for secondary education and have a lifelong love of learning.
  • To strengthen the partnership between home, school, and the community, encouraging a sense of belonging.
