
Wylye ValleyCofE VA Primary School

To aspire to being outstanding in everything we do by always aiming higher.

"Let your light shine in all you say and do" Matthew 5:16


The PTA operates under a committee consisting of a chair, vice chair, a treasurer, a secretary and representatives of both parents, Governors and teaching staff. We meet approx. six times a year, including our AGM. Anyone with a link to the school can become involved in the  PTA.


There are various fundraising activities and events throughout the year, so please check the school notice boards, website and facebook page for upcoming events, dates of future PTA meetings and second hand clothes sales.



Who are we?

We are a group of parents with children in a range of year groups. Some members have more time than others to give to the PTA but all contributions of help are appreciated, from serving refreshments at events to sitting in a position of responsibility on the committee.


What do we do?

The PTA provide, and assist in the provision, of such facilities or items for education not provided from statutory funds, and engage in activities which support the school and advance the education of the students through various fundraising events.


In recent years, we have raised funds to updated the playgrounds, purchased ipads for the children to use to extend their learning, contributed to school equipment such as class white boards and are currently raising funds to buy equipment for the new school library being built this summer. Our events include the school fetes. Scholastic book fairs and the infamous Wylye Valley Duck Race, but we also run smaller events throughout the year such as ‘Books& Bedtime stories’ in school during World book month and second hand uniform sales.


Get involved

Come to a meeting and find out more. For more information please contact Rob Barnes, Headteacher who will put you in touch with the PTA. Telephone: 01985 850461







Finally, don’t forget to sign up to; it is a great way to support your

school simply by doing your normal online shopping.

 CLICK HERE TO Support Wylye Valley School




This Christmas the PTA have organized a raffle. Hampers have been made from donations brought in to school. They contain chocolate, sweets, bottles, candles, decorations, crackers, small toys and lots more !

Counting the Ducks after the race was thirsty work!
